

PZC Endorses Raskin-Eshoo Letter

We wholeheartedly support this letter from House Representatives Anna Eshoo and Jamie Raskin. The values of the California Democratic Party (CDP) are clear. The CDP’s 2022 Platform states its support for Israel’s future as a secure democratic Jewish state and provides Israelis and Palestinians the right to live with independence, sovereignty, and dignity within their …

PZC Endorses Raskin-Eshoo Letter Read More »

Statement of Matthew Finkelstein, Co-Founder and board member of PZC, on the Feb 1 attack at San Francisco synagogue

On Wednesday, February 1, 2023, a man walked into the Schneerson Chabad Center where I pray and fired several shots from a handgun. Those present recall the gunman as saying “Hello my Jewish friends. I want to show you something.” He then produced a firearm and said, “Say hello to the Mossad for me” and …

Statement of Matthew Finkelstein, Co-Founder and board member of PZC, on the Feb 1 attack at San Francisco synagogue Read More »

PZC Thanks San Francisco Public Library

July 22, 2022To: Kate Patterson; Kate.Patterson@sfpl.orgKatrin Reimuller; chiefofmain@sfpl.org We are writing to thank you for saying no to a mural that targets and marginalizes all Jews and non-Jews who support Israel’s existence as a Jewish and democratic state and a lasting peace between the Israeli and Palestinian people. Progressive Zionists of California (PZC) is a …

PZC Thanks San Francisco Public Library Read More »

Progressive Zionists of California Opposes AIPAC’s Endorsement of Candidates who Sought to Overturn 2020 Election

As an organization that prides itself on promoting democracy and democratic values both in the U.S. and in Israel, Progressive Zionists of California is alarmed by and opposes AIPAC’s decision to endorse a slate of candidates who sought to overturn the 2020 election and whitewash white nationalism.  AIPAC’s decision is an affront to Jewish values, …

Progressive Zionists of California Opposes AIPAC’s Endorsement of Candidates who Sought to Overturn 2020 Election Read More »

California Democrats Say Yes!

(March 6, 2022) After many months of planning and organizing, PZC is pleased that the 2022 California Democratic Party has adopted a platform that strongly supports a two-state solution, and rejects any attempts to unilaterally impose a one state solution – from either Israelis or Palestinians.  We especially wish to thank the CDP Platform Committee …

California Democrats Say Yes! Read More »

PZC pleased to announce new Acting Board Chair

February 11, 2022 LOS ANGELES –  PZC is pleased to introduce Acting Board Chair, Daniel Bral, to the PZC community. Daniel previously served on PZC’s advisory board, and volunteered much time to projects ranging from ADEM outreach to strategy, events, and community building.  “We are thrilled with the energy Daniel brings to this position, and …

PZC pleased to announce new Acting Board Chair Read More »

PZC Pleased with Passage of Resolution Supporting California-Israel Water Cooperation, Non-Endorsement of HR 2590, and Robust Platform Testimony at Fall CADEM Executive Board

(Sacramento, November 21, 2021) PZC commends the California Democratic Party (CDP) Legislation Committee for voting not to consider endorsement of HR 2590 at its Fall Executive Board Meeting this weekend. This is the third iteration of Congresswoman McCollum’s bill in 6 years. Each time it has failed to garner more than 30 House co-sponsors. This …

PZC Pleased with Passage of Resolution Supporting California-Israel Water Cooperation, Non-Endorsement of HR 2590, and Robust Platform Testimony at Fall CADEM Executive Board Read More »

PZC Continues to Urge Accountability on Fossil Fuels and LEO donations

At a special meeting last Sunday, the majority of CADEM Executive Board members opted to form committees to determine how to best wean itself off of fossil fuel and law enforcement donations. PZC will continue to urge CADEM to formally end its reliance on both, and we will keep you posted of its progress over …

PZC Continues to Urge Accountability on Fossil Fuels and LEO donations Read More »

CADEM: Reject Fossil Fuel and Law Enforcement Contributions

October 23, 2021 Rusty Hicks, ChairBetty Yee, Vice ChairDavid Campos, Vice ChairMelahat Rafiei, SecretaryApril Verrett, Controller Dear Officers of the California Democratic Party, Progressive Zionists of California (PZC) writes to you today in support of the efforts from the Environmental, Black, and Progressive caucus leadership to ensure our party will no longer formally accept contributions …

CADEM: Reject Fossil Fuel and Law Enforcement Contributions Read More »

With recall victory, one less thing for Jewish Dems to worry about this Yom Kippur

J the Jewish News of Northern California GABRIEL GRESCHLER SEPTEMBER 15, 2021 Rachel Bracker, board chair of the Progressive Zionists of California, also cheered the recall result. She said Newsom’s policies handling the pandemic and responding to antisemitism align with Jewish priorities; she added that the governor’s vaccine mandates for teachers and health care workers …

With recall victory, one less thing for Jewish Dems to worry about this Yom Kippur Read More »