say it loud
be proud

PZC is committed to building robust advocacy in progressive spaces, educating activists about Zionism and antisemitism, and supporting a lasting peace in Israel and Palestine.
City Council Guide
Introduction Since October 7, under the guise of a “ceasefire now” resolution, extremist anti-Israel organizations and activists have found a ripe frontier—municipal jurisdictions throughout California and the country—to advocate for the isolation and divestment of Israel. As of April 16, the unofficial count at the national level was 255 with 50 in California, though the …
Jewish Community Solidarity Gathering during CADEM Convention
During the November California Democratic Party Convention, PZC thought it would be important to come together in solidarity— Jewish community and friends. In hindsight, after the convention was shut down later that evening by anti-Israel protesters, we didn’t realize just how meaningful this time together would be. Thank you to the over 100 CADEM party …
Jewish Community Solidarity Gathering during CADEM Convention Read More »
Sign and share today: Thank President Biden for standing with the people of Israel, and against Hamas and its deadly terrorism.
Thank President Biden for standing with the people of Israel, and against Hamas and its deadly terrorism.
PZC urges the AAA to vote No on Israeli Academic Boycott
PZC urges members of the Anthropological Association of America to vote NO on the Resolution to Boycott Israeli Academic Institutions June 9, 2023 Progressive Zionists of California (PZC) joins the Alliance for Academic Freedom, the Academic Engagement Network and multiple co-endorsers in its statement in opposition to the 2023 Anthropological Association of America (AAA) Resolution …
PZC urges the AAA to vote No on Israeli Academic Boycott Read More »
PZC Endorses Raskin-Eshoo Letter
We wholeheartedly support this letter from House Representatives Anna Eshoo and Jamie Raskin. The values of the California Democratic Party (CDP) are clear. The CDP’s 2022 Platform states its support for Israel’s future as a secure democratic Jewish state and provides Israelis and Palestinians the right to live with independence, sovereignty, and dignity within their …
US Democratic Solidarity with the pro-democracy opposition in Israel
March 13, 2023 We stand in solidarity with the pro-democracy opposition in Israel, against the policies of the extremist coalition government of Benjamin Netanyahu As Democrats, we are greatly alarmed by the potential harms to Israeli society by Israel’s new governing coalition, the most right-wing in its history. The values of the California Democratic Party (CDP) are …
US Democratic Solidarity with the pro-democracy opposition in Israel Read More »
PZC rejects violence of past weekend
The violent events of this week in Israel have left us in a state of shock and horror struggling to resist despair. Two brothers, Hillel Yaniv, 22, and Yagel Yaniv, 20, from Har Brakha, were murdered in cold blood by a Palestinian gunman affiliated with the terrorist group, Lion’s Den. May Hillel’s and Yagel’s memories …
Statement of Matthew Finkelstein, Co-Founder and board member of PZC, on the Feb 1 attack at San Francisco synagogue
On Wednesday, February 1, 2023, a man walked into the Schneerson Chabad Center where I pray and fired several shots from a handgun. Those present recall the gunman as saying “Hello my Jewish friends. I want to show you something.” He then produced a firearm and said, “Say hello to the Mossad for me” and …
PZC Alarmed By New Israeli Government
December 30, 2022 Progressive Zionists of California (PZC) is greatly alarmed by Israel’s new governing coalition, sworn in by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, its architect and leader. In a vote of 63-54, the Knesset voted yesterday to approve Israel’s most right-wing government in its history. PZC’s Executive Director, Susan George, commented after the swearing in …
PZC Stands in Solidarity with Iranians
The whole world has been watching in awe the sheer bravery of the Iranian people, rising up in revolution to fight for the most fundamental of human rights. From elected officials to individuals and organizations, people across the globe have been using their voice to express their solidarity and show the Iranian people that their …