(March 6, 2022) After many months of planning and organizing, PZC is pleased that the 2022 California Democratic Party has adopted a platform that strongly supports a two-state solution, and rejects any attempts to unilaterally impose a one state solution – from either Israelis or Palestinians.
We especially wish to thank the CDP Platform Committee for conducting their operations with the utmost transparency, encouraging Democrats from every region in the state to provide written and oral testimony on all platform planks.
PZC leadership was also proud to endorse a resolution in support of Ukrainian territorial sovereignty and independence. Russia’s unwarranted aggression in Ukraine is unacceptable, and will cause untold damage and deaths. The territorial integrity of a democratic, sovereign country like Ukraine should not be changed by force. Ukraine’s citizens, not Vladimir Putin, should determine their country’s future.
We thank our team of leaders and organizers throughout the state for their efforts in helping to make this convention such a success. We thank our esteemed partners and friends: Democrats for Israel California, Democrats for Israel Los Angeles, Democratic Majority for Israel, California Legislative Jewish Caucus, Jewish Democrats of Silicon Valley, Democrats for Israel Orange County, Democrats for Peace in the Middle East, Israel on Campus Coalition, AJC-American Jewish Committee, JIMENA-Jews Indigenous to the Middle and North Africa, and ADL Western Division.
About Progressive Zionists of California
Progressive Zionists of California (PZC) is a grassroots collective of activists and California Democratic Party leaders dedicated to reshaping the discourse around Zionism and antisemitism in California Democratic politics. PZC educates activists about antisemitism and intersectional Zionism with a firm commitment to Palestinian statehood. Our constituents advocate for pragmatic progressive platforms, resolutions, and legislation around domestic and Israel-related issues.