The whole world has been watching in awe the sheer bravery of the Iranian people, rising up in revolution to fight for the most fundamental of human rights. From elected officials to individuals and organizations, people across the globe have been using their voice to express their solidarity and show the Iranian people that their courage is not in vain. Progressive Zionists of California, spearheaded by Jewish Iranian Board Chair, Daniel Bral, has been proud to join the chorus of voices.
Daniel co-authored a resolution (“Solidarity with the People of Iran and Commemorating Zhina (Mahsa) Amini”) that was passed and adopted by the California Democratic Party at its Executive Board meeting last weekend. The resolution had over 70 co-sponsors. To have the nation’s largest statewide party honor Zhina (Mahsa) Amini’s life and voice their unequivocal support for the Iranian people is historic.

Progressive Zionists of California is also proud to be one of several partner organizations – along with the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles, JIMENA, AJC Los Angeles, and others – who are hosting a panel event as a community-wide show of support with the people of Iran on Sunday, December 4th at American Jewish University’s Familian Campus. AJU’s Vice President for Jewish Engagement, Rabbi Tarlan Rabizadeh, will moderate the panel with distinguished speakers who will discuss what has led to the current revolution, why this humanitarian crisis matters to the Jewish community, and where we go from here.

Progressive Zionists of California will continue to use our voice and platform to spotlight the events in Iran. We encourage members of our community to join us.