
Dayenu: Trump’s second impeachment

It would have been enough to impeach Donald J. Trump once, but we’ve now done it twice.

1/2 of all the impeachments in US history have been against Donald Trump. Once again, the Republican party has demonstrated their cowardice and complicity in failing to hold a lawless president accountable.

Trump incited a riot with the insistence he could not have lost, spreading baseless conspiracy theories about the legitimacy of the election, and ginning up his base to commit acts of violence, by winking at QAnon, claiming the “protest” in DC would be “wild” or declaring violence would be acceptable through his surrogates (yes, we remember Rudy Giuliani calling for “trial by combat” the day of the insurrection).

We are pleased to see Democrats lead on accountability, but this is not a happy day for America. There is much to reckon with, starting with the fact that we have a party that lives in an alternate reality, devoid of facts which refuses engage with anything, including the rule of law, in good faith.

PZC urges Senators to vote to remove Trump from the office of the presidency. Though it will take many months, years even, to comprehend and repair the damage the Trump and his enablers have done to America, a vote to remove is a tangible step towards the teshuva necessary to move forward.

About Progressive Zionists of California

Progressive Zionists of California (PZC) is a grassroots collective of activists and California Democratic Party leaders dedicated to reshaping the discourse around Zionism and antisemitism in California Democratic politics. PZC educates activists about antisemitism and intersectional Zionism with a firm commitment to Palestinian statehood. Our constituents advocate for pragmatic progressive platforms, resolutions, and legislation around domestic and Israel-related issues.
