

Pro-Israel and Jewish groups criticize Fresno event featuring vitriolic anti-Semitic speaker

JNS/Jewish News Syndicate 9/6/2019 The Progressive Zionists of California told the Journal, “As a group whose members have experienced her vitriolic attacks firsthand, we are shocked that anyone would platform her and her reprehensible views. In 2019, as hate crimes against Jews in California continue to skyrocket, it is irresponsible to endorse such hate.” Read …

Pro-Israel and Jewish groups criticize Fresno event featuring vitriolic anti-Semitic speaker Read More »

ADL, Jewish Groups Criticize Fresno Event for Featuring Speaker with ‘Anti-Semitic’ History

Jewish JournalAaron Bandler 8/30/2019 The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Central Pacific and other Jewish groups are criticizing an event taking place at Clovis Community College (CCC) on Sept. 18 featuring Alison Weir, a speaker that ADL Central Pacific says uses “anti-Semitic tropes.” The event, titled “Uncovered: Israel’s Occupation of Palestine,” is hosted by the Fresno-based news …

ADL, Jewish Groups Criticize Fresno Event for Featuring Speaker with ‘Anti-Semitic’ History Read More »

State Dems pass three pro-Israel resolutions

J, the Jewish News of Northern CaliforniaDan Pine 8/26/2019 Pro-Israel Democrats found something to cheer about after the California Democratic Party’s executive board passed resolutions over the weekend condemning anti-Semitism and decrying anti-Zionism as a form of anti-Semitism. The three-day meeting brought hundreds of party activists, delegates and politicians to the Hilton DoubleTree Hotel in …

State Dems pass three pro-Israel resolutions Read More »

CA Dem Party Criticizes Israeli Treatment of Palestinian Children, Condemns Anti-Zionism

Jewish Journal Aaron Bandler 8/27/2019 The California Democratic Party (CDP) endorsed Rep. Betty McCollum’s (D-Minn.) bill over the weekend that called for withholding funding to Israel over their detainment of Palestinian children, and also adopted a resolution condemning anti-Zionism as “anti-Semitic hate speech.” McCollum’s website states that the bill, H.R. 2407, is aimed at curbing …

CA Dem Party Criticizes Israeli Treatment of Palestinian Children, Condemns Anti-Zionism Read More »

PZC praises CADEM rebuke of Omar BDS bill, condemns endorsement of divisive McCollum bill at E-Board

The California Democratic Party formally affirmed that anti-Zionism and antisemitism are connected, yet endorsed a federal bill that could imperil a two-state solution. SAN JOSE, Calif.—Progressive Zionists of California (PZC) commends the California Democratic Party (CDP) for passing a resolution affirming the link between anti-Zionism and antisemitism and for taking no position on Rep. Ilhan …

PZC praises CADEM rebuke of Omar BDS bill, condemns endorsement of divisive McCollum bill at E-Board Read More »

PZC Appalled by President’s Accusation of Disloyalty

(California, 8/20/2019) Progressive Zionists of California unequivocally condemns the president’s use of “dual loyalties” trope. 8 out of 10 American Jews voted for Democrats in the past elections. Trump believes that if you’re not with him, you’re against him, no matter how ugly the repercussions of that are. Most Jews are Democrats, Zionists, and vote …

PZC Appalled by President’s Accusation of Disloyalty Read More »

CA State BoE Says Proposed Ethnic Studies Curriculum Will ‘Be Substantially Redesigned

The Jewish Journal Aaron Bandler 8/13/2019 The California State Board of Education (SBE) announced on Aug. 12 that the proposed anti-Israel Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum (ESMC) will be replaced with an entirely new draft. SBE President Linda Darling-Hammond, Vice President Ilene Straus and Board Member Feliza Ortiz-Licon said in the statement, “The current draft model …

CA State BoE Says Proposed Ethnic Studies Curriculum Will ‘Be Substantially Redesigned Read More »

AOC Agrees with Radio Host About Israel’s Treatment of Palestinians Being ‘Very Criminal’

Jewish Journal Aaron Bandler 7/30/2019 Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) agreed with a radio host about the Israeli “occupation” being “very, very criminal.” Ocasio-Cortez made the remarks in a July 30 appearance on the “Ebro in the Morning” show based in New York. Host Ebro Darden said there are “multiple corrupt governments working together” worldwide, citing …

AOC Agrees with Radio Host About Israel’s Treatment of Palestinians Being ‘Very Criminal’ Read More »

Tlaib Says House Voted for Anti-BDS Bill Without Understanding Israel-Palestinian Conflict

Jewish Journal Aaron Bandler 7/25/2019 Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) told reporters on July 24 that the House of Representatives voted for the anti-boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) resolution on July 23 despite not having a firm grasp of the nuances of the Israel-Palestinian conflict, Jewish Insider reports. Tlaib, who came out in favor of a …

Tlaib Says House Voted for Anti-BDS Bill Without Understanding Israel-Palestinian Conflict Read More »

83 Jewish and Pro-Israel Organizations Call for ‘Safeguards’ in Response to Drafted Anti-Israel Curriculum

Jewish Journal Aaron Bandler 8/7/2019 Eighty-three Jewish and pro-Israel organizations urged the California Department of Education to implement “safeguards” in response to drafted anti-Israel ethnic studies high school curriculum. The organizations, which include the AMCHA Initiative, Simon Wiesenthal Center, StandWithUs and Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa, wrote in an August 7 …

83 Jewish and Pro-Israel Organizations Call for ‘Safeguards’ in Response to Drafted Anti-Israel Curriculum Read More »