It’s election season! Progressive Zionists of California has recommendations for candidates for Democratic Party County Central Committee — check them out!
These are the candidates who align with and support our mission. If you are interested in a candidate who is not on this list, we invite you to ask them their position and share what you learn with us!
Solano/Contra Costa/Sacramento Counties
11th Assembly District
Bridgette Hunley
14th Assembly District
Thomas Bilbo
Tiffany “Tiffanee” Jones
Alameda/Contra Costa Counties
15th Assembly District
Michael Nye
Igor Tregub
Los Angeles County
36th Assembly District
Suzann Reina
38th Assembly District
Michelle Elmer
Jim Hilfenhaus
Lysa Simon
45th Assembly District
Scott Abrams
Cecile Bendavid
Leah Hertzberg
Richard Mathews
46th Assembly District
* Paul Kujawsky
50th Assembly District
* Rachel Pearl Bracker
Imperial/Riverside County
56th Assembly District
Agi Kessler
San Diego County
71st Assembly District
Ryan Darsey
Charda Fontenot
Tom Lemmon
Tiffany Maple
Judith Walters
75th Assembly District
Gary Bland
Pam Bland
Robert “Bob” J Hamilton
Tiffany Boyd-Hodgson
Heather Roberts
Georgine Tomasi
George Van Hasselt
76th Assembly District
Francine Busby
Bill Fowler
Marguerite Kealey
Kyle Krahel
Marie “Maria” Mc Eneany
Daniel RF O’Donnell
Sheri Sachs
77th Assembly District
Jason Bercovitch
Esther “Sunny” Escovedo
Danny Jackson
Terry Norwood
Torrey Powers
78th Assembly District
Wendy Levy Batterson
Zach Bunshaft
Raul Campillo
Cynara Kidwell
Codi Vierra
79th Assembly District
* Andrea Beth Damsky
80th Assembly District
Roberto Alcantar
Kate Bishop
Andrea Cardenas
Steve Castaneda
Nathan Fletcher
* Progressive Zionists of California Executive Board member